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Spanco Electrical Engineering Interview Questions
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what is different between buchhoz relay and pressure relife devices in transformer

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What are the relational operations that can be performed on view in sap? : abap data dictionary


Where do you write javascript?


What is oracle server autotrace in oracle?


Your company is going to introduce a new service called Phone Home. This service will allow you to speak the name of the person you want to call into your cellular phone. To call home, you would simply speak the word home into the phone, and it will dial that number for you. Your company is taking advantage of the progress that has been made recently with voice recognition software. Initial projections show that market demand is very high for this product. This project came about as a result of which of the following? A. Marketing demand B. Customer request C. Business need D. Technological advance


Explain the types of memory management? : .NET Architecture


What are the new features added to JDBC 4.0?


What is emit in angular?


What are the different activities under consignment stock in sap sd?


What are the difference between extra information type (EIT. and special information type (SIT)?


How do you start and stop apache tomcat using services?


What is the differences between abap and ooabap. In which situation we useooabap?


Project managers spend what percentage of their prime communicating? A. 90 B. 85 C. 75 D. 50


Explain me what is the difference between microprocessor and microcontroller?


What is void class in java?


What is method overloading with type promotion?