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SerWizSol Everything Else AllOther Interview Questions
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what is your greatest weak ness?

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Post New SerWizSol Everything Else AllOther Interview Questions

SerWizSol Everything Else AllOther Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

Why is round robin algorithm considered better than first come first served algorithm?


How do I manually update my android os?


What Do You Mean By Derivatives? Give An Example.


What is wave length?


how can i access hard disk address(physical address)? are we access hard disk by using far,near or huge pointer? if yes then please explain.....


How will you copy a file from one machine to other?


I want to know with example of vat & Salestax


I want d.g.set our company


what is the primary


What do you mean by balances in local currency only? : fi- general ledger master data


How many rows and columns are there in microsoft word?


I am trying to get into IT companies. I am finding it very difficult to have it. Don't know at what place I am lacking. At least, if some interviews get conducted, there is a chance of understanding it a bit. Some of my friends are working as fake in IT and they said, HR and other conducting people are not even opening the request posted by freshers, while being a fresher, it is making me very stressed. Even I applied at many companies but not getting response. I asked from my friends about my resume because I was worrying whether I am making mistakes in representing myself but they said it is okay enough. Now coming to education, I have completed M.Tech., GATE(2 times), NET, Research Paper in IEEE international conference (accepted and in process to be published) etc. While submitting the resume, I am mentioning the projects and link of codes that I have done. Still I am only getting the calls from BPO and Voice support that is completely irrelevant for me. There are my seniors who are getting more than 100K per month, they say, I am better than they are based on my education and what ever they observed, it makes me feel better for a moment but still I am not confident enough because I don't have actual idea of working in industry. The more important is, I am jobless and not getting opportunity to start my career. Now I am thinking to hide my degree and other qualifications, and producing fake experience certificate of 2+ years. Putting fake is making me feel guilty and uncomfortable but I have no other choice. Can somebody please suggest me whether I should do it or not? Your suggestions are valuable for me. I am thankful to all of you!


Where are full-text indexes stored?


What is ctrl n?


What are a shell in unix and its types?