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Persistent Interview Questions
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What is Applet Flickering ?

1 5813

What is singleton class?

16 65689

what do you meant by Platform-Independent in Java?

6 26017

why Java is not purely object oriented?

9 10926

What do you meant by Runtime Polymorphism?

2 5910

Difference between abstract class and Interfaces in Java

9 17891

How many page directive we can use in a single JSP?

2 13058

Can we use methods in JSP? If so where the methods are stored in servlet class file?

6 25890

what do you meant by Platform-Independent?

6 11884

Why Java is not purely object oriented?

50 65345

what do you meant by Runtime Polymorphism?

13 31950

Difference between Hash Table and Hash Map?

10 19609

What are the OOPS concepts?

106 299134

if a number is choosen between 100 and 999 includeing these numberrs what is the provbabilty that the number selected does not contain a 7 is

23 41409

What is a semaphore?

20 48141

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Un-Answered Questions

Explain the role of DevOps?


What does explode do in php?


What is Clone Stamp Tool?


Why angular service is singleton?


Explain the difference between promise and observable in angular?


How many redo logs should you have and how should they be configured for maximum recoverability?


When we should go for codebase in applet?


Describe the unusual stamens in many members of the Ericaceae. What two corolla shapes are typical of the family?


What is definition and declaration?


What is a frameset bike?


Is angular object oriented?


What is whitenoise django?


What is a python mixin?


When ec2 officially launched?


What do you mean by conflict serializability in dbms?