I have a PF(ABC)with no key fields. PF(ABC)have 2 fields (cusno and cusname). Please let me know how can i read the cusno = 1150 directly from PF in CL and RPG program(Without creating the LF and without reading the complete file and then compare 1150)
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Define a tree?
How do I add a column to a table in word?
What opens a dll file?
Explain why variables called the most powerful component of ssis?
What are promises in angularjs?
What is a web api? Which protocol is used in a web api?
Why π-filters are not suitable for varying loads?
What is unix for?
What are the different ajax action tags? What does each do?
Explain immunoglobulin (ig) c?
Is there any dependency of Secondary Constructors on Primary Constructors ?
What is exception in java?
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What is tld in jsp?