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ONGC Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

Briefly describe your ideal job?


why did youi choose this career?


Tell me something about yourself?

35 79849

plz give me last 10 yrs questions for face the exam held on 6 july on my email address.

3 5890

100% litrasy in india

19 17049

what is neutral grounding? why is it required? what is neutral grounding resistor and how is its value calculated??

11 62427

R sir, i need placement paper of last years of IOCL in chemical sream...... send me the question paper as soon as possible on my email address.

18 22359

Please send me technical paper of ONGC for Mechanical branch.I am in need of the paper.Pls send me.

3 7423

Respected Sir, Please send me the technical question paper of ONGC.I am in urgent need of it.

1 4421

Respected Sir, Please send me the technical question paper of ONGC of mechanical branch.I m in urgent need of it.

7 9360

how to prepare for the exam of ongc please give some idea

8 19788

wtat type quations will be sak in ongc exam?


how much time require for day to prepare the ongc exam for evarage student?


What type of quations will ask in general studies because i am science student

1 3751

please tell me ,marketing is better job than any other job regarding money..

2 3631

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ONGC Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

What are layout pages in sharepoint?


Name the some common problems associated with bellow expansion joints?


How CRR(What is CRRrate hike will help to reduce inflation rate


how would you integrate ps with other modules?


Explain knurling.


Differences between Page reference and Action Stage?


What is the best programming language to use in data science?


1)how many tr's you have moved in support project?  2)tell me the complete process of idoc's? 3)what are the interfaces you have dealt wih in your project?


What is the difference between coa and cod? : fi- asset accounting


What is inline styling?


What is meant by 3-Tier architecture?


Explain the difference between local and central version operating modes?


How do I remove a value from a list?


What is the virtual object?


What do you write in annotations?