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MMTS ASP.NET Interview Questions
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Life cycle of ASP.NET page when a request is made ?

4 8147

If there is submit button in a from tell us the sequence what happens if submit is clicked and in form action is specified as some other page ?

1 3541

How many web.copnfig can exists in a web application & which will be used ?

3 5930

How do you retrieve information from web.config ?

5 8985

How do you declare delegates and are delegates and events one and the same and explain how do you declare delegates and invoke them ?

1 3424

About friend and Protected friend ?

3 5401

All kind of access specifiers for a class and for methods ?

1 4808

Post New MMTS ASP.NET Interview Questions

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Tell me how many mosfet switches are there in dynamic ram?


What is the use of Product SKU while setting shopping cart?


What is the difference between an obtain next and obtain first in idms?


Euclid has just created a triangle whose longest side is 20. If the length of the other side is 10 cm and the area of the triangle is 80 sq. cm, then what is the length of the third side?


What is the integration point with ess portal?


What is vagrantfile and homestead.yaml?


Explain me your track record in previous jobs, specifically speaking to any mistakes you may have made. There is little room for error in accounting?


What is the difference between stop and abort in informatica


What are the 3 methods that we use in sequence in a batch input session method? : abap bdc


Which of the following metals is a better conductor of electricity? A. Silver B. Copper


How service contracts interfacing with accounts receivable module?


What does adapter class provide?


Explain the implementation phase with respect to oop?


Which is used to compressed gasses to drive (power) the robot ?


what do you mean by a upgrade set in vsam?