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Indian Airlines Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

Why do you want to work in this industry?

7 29026

I have to give interviews in various airlines for cabin Crew.So,plz tell me abt various ques. Which r expected by Them

6 29311

Why do you want to become an airhostess?

40 177372

P?s father is Q?s son. M is the paternal uncle of P and N is the brother of Q. How is N related to M ? (1) Brother (2) Nephew (3) Cousin (4) Data inadequate (5) None of these

38 37293

The Minimum age for a person to be elected as a member of Rajya Sabha is (a) 25 years (b) 30 years (c) 35 years (d) No age fixed

12 42954

Telecom Company Nokia belongs to with country? 1 Denmark 2 USA 3 Sweden 4 Finland

19 30154

what special aspects of your work experience have prepared you for overseas jobs ?

3 14213

Can you describe for me one or two of your most important accomplishments ?

1 11501

. Fahien visited India during the reign of (1) Chandra Gupta Maurya (2) Harsha (3) Chandra Gupta II (4) Kanishka

8 50587

. Where was the capital of Kanishka? (1) Purushapura (2) Kandhar (3) Taxila (4) Kannauj

1 8684

which is the largest hotel chain in india? which is the leading airline s in india and the world ?

2 17167

why do you choose this company?

17 192464

What are the Testing types can Follow for Web application Project ?Please Help me .....Urgent ....

3 7518


12 23453

How do u define Success? and what does it mean to you?

13 18011

Post New Indian Airlines Interview Questions

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what is the overflow property in css used for?


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Who are this agency's top 3 competitors? : insurance sales


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What is difference between list set and map?


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How do you decide that a node is to be declared in the component controller or in the view controller?


What is tryparse c#?


What is the hostname for mysql database?