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NOVELL PLACEMENT PAPERS ----- Placement Paper 1

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What are the different types of database users?


Where is the root directory?


how do you round the addition or subtraction of two numbers in assembler? what does the following code do? change process tool(code changes from dev to prd) the changes made to your code should be effected in live. How the process takes place. That is how can you move the code changes from development to production?


Who's using ajax?


What is the difference between three tier and two tier application?


What is the difference between union and anonymous union?


how do you query in entity model when the result has a join from from different database other than the entity model?


You are the project manager for a top-secret software project for an agency of the United States Government. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to complete the project using internal resources. The reason is because getting top secret clearances for contractors takes quite a bit of time and waiting for clearances would jeopardize the implementation date. Your programmers are 80 percent of the way through the programming and testing work when your agency appoints a new executive director. Your programmer’s are siphoned off this project to work on the executive director's hot new project. Which of the following addresses the purpose of Scope Verification in this case? A. It determines the correctness and completion of all the work B. It documents the level and degree of completion C. It determines if the project results comply with quality standards D. It documents the correctness of the work according to stakeholders' expectations


What is mage in magento?


What is repository info. Systems? : abap data dictionary


What are the two types of Match() function?


What is the difference between and xml documentation tag?


What does mean by Scope of Automation?n How we defined it?


What is the no_acknowledge acknowledge mode used for? : BEA Weblogic


For what purpose ERS is used for?