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IBM Interview Questions
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1) Is CLASS used for assigning Priority (as we say a job having class '6' will run before the job having class '5'? then what is the difference between CLASS and PRTY ? 2) In a same JCL, 2 JOB statements with different Classes and NO PRTY are submitted ? which will run first ? & with different classes and different PRTY also, which will run first now ?

3 15593

Can we have a JOBSTEP without any EXEC ?

6 17577

Is stepname is a MUST and should be unique also for each JOBSTEP ? or system can supply the stepname for a step which is not given a name by the programmer ?

6 9199

Why 16 is used in calculating the DPRTY ? as, DPRTY = (num1, num2), THEN, DPRTY = 16* num1 + num2

4 10334

As PARM can supply information to a program ? Can PARM be used to supply information to a cataloged or Inline Procedure also ?

2 5468

what is the Difference between SYSIN and PARM ?

5 16671

What is default if we don't specify RD parameter at all ?

1 3964

What is Automatic Restart ? EXEC PGM = PROG1, RD = R (Is it the Restart of a JOBSTEP or Restarting the execution of the program?) Do we Restart it or it automatically Restarts executing again and again ? Then when it will finish executing ? or After Abending, when we submit it again, then it is Restarted from the Last successful Checkpoint ? If some JOBSTEP is abending, what is the benifit to Restart it, WILL IT NOT ABEND AGAIN if you don't change the LOGIC ?

1 5583

What does it mean by Restart and Checkpoint in JCL ? How are checkpoints being taken and what is their usage ? How to use Checkpoint macro on a JOBSTEP ?


Can we give TIME = (1440, 59) also ? or is TIME = (1439, 59) is the last one ?

5 13140

If a JOBSTEP abends, AND without using COND also, all the subsequent steps execute, then what is the use of using EVEN ? Why do we use EVEN when without it also all the JOBSTEPs execute ?

2 5481

Is CPU time assigned to a JOB and JOBSTEP BOTH, by default ?

4 5347

Could you provide an example and its effect OF, Using COND on JOB and EXEC both ?

4 5505

COND -> step1 . . step2, Step2, Executes if the CC of step1 is 0. But even if it is NOT 0 and if we dont give COND, will step2 be executed ?

4 7797

IF WE GIVE COND on step3 then, What does the following mean ? And Just adding to that, All the below COND are VALID as per the specifications. (i) COND = (8,LT,step1,step2) ---(AND/OR ?) (ii) COND = (8,LT,step1,step2, ONLY), (iii) COND = (8,LT,step1,ONLY) will it execute only if this condition is true or only if step1 ABENDS ? (iv) COND = (8,LT,step1,step2,EVEN), (v) COND = (8,LT,step1,EVEN) ?

2 5530

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